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The 15th IACIP Annual Workshop
“Sustainable and Smart Infrastructure Materials and Technologies”
Dear Members and Friends of IACIP:
On behalf of the International Association of Chinese Infrastructure Professionals (IACIP), we are pleased to announce that we will be organizing the 15th IACIP Annual Workshop in conjunction with the 104th TRB annual conference with the theme of "Sustainable and Smart Infrastructure Materials and Technologies". The organizing committee cordially invites you to attend the workshop and encourages you to make your travel arrangements accordingly in advance. The tentative workshop schedule is as follows:
Date/Time: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm on Sunday, January 5, 2025
Location: Gallaudet University (M1) / Marriott Marquis
We are now accepting applications for presentations at the workshop on any topics related to sustainable and smart infrastructure materials and technologies. The IACIP workshop intends to provide a hub for researchers and practitioners to share their opinions, develop connections, and discuss collaborations in response to challenging issues in various aspects of infrastructure materials and technologies.
If you are interested in making a presentation, please send your presentation title, abstract, and half-page bio to Dr. Jiwang Jiang, co-chair of the presentation planning subcommittee, at by Nov. 30, 2024. Please include your last name and “IACIP Presentation” in the email subject line (i.e., Smith_IACIP Presentation). The planning committee will evaluate all the presentation topics and make selections for the workshop based on relevance of topic, interest to audience, and presentation slots available. Final notice of selection will be sent out no later than Dec. 15, 2024. Thanks for your attention and look forward to meeting you at the workshop!
Co-chairs of Presentation Planning Subcommittee:
Dr. Guoyang Lu, City University of Hong Kong
Dr. Jiwang Jiang, Southeast University
Dr. Xi Jiang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2025 IACIP Annual Workshop:
Poster Session and Student Poster Competition
Dear Members and Friends of IACIP:
The International Association for Chinese Infrastructure Professionals (IACIP) will organize a poster competition at the 15th Annual IACIP Workshop on Sunday, January 5, 2025 in conjunction with the 104th TRB annual conference. The aim of the poster presentations and competition is to prompt the engagement of students and young professionals in the activities of the IACIP.
TOPICS AND CONTENT – Posters should be related to transportation infrastructure. Posters should present the original work by the student(s) conducted under the direction of his or her professor or by young professionals.
ELIGIBILITY – The poster presentations and competition are open to full-time undergraduate and graduate students and young professionals. Each student or young professional may submit only one abstract as the lead author.
SUBMISSION – Please send the abstract of the poster presentation to Dr. Binbin Yin, co-chair of Student Poster Competition Subcommittee, at, with the subject “2025 IACIP workshop poster presentation”. The deadline for the poster presentation abstract submission is Dec. 5, 2024. The abstract should be no more than 250 words. In addition, please include your name(s), university, major, advisor’s name, degree expected, email address, and poster title in the abstract. Eligible student posters will automatically enter the student poster competition unless opted out by the student presenter.
SELECTION – Participants will be selected from the abstract submittals based on the following criteria: technical content, compliance with rules and regulations, and professionalism. The selection will be performed by a panel. Selected participants will be notified by Dec. 15, 2024. Selected presenters must confirm their plan to participate in the on-site presentation at the IACIP annual workshop.
MATERIALS AND FORMAT OF POSTER – Posters need to be prepared based on the poster template that will be provided. The posters should include the IACIP and TRB logos as included in the sample poster format. Poster mounting will be provided at the Workshop. Creativity and originality in presenting the technical contents of the posters are encouraged.
A poster for student poster competition should be prepared by a student based on his or her own research work. Student advisor(s) and co-worker(s) may be included as co-authors; however, student(s) must be the lead author(s) and the posters must be presented by the competing students in person at the workshop.
JUDGING – Judging will take place during the poster session at the IACIP workshop. The judging will be based on technical content, ability of the poster to convey technical information, professionalism, aesthetic appeal, presentation quality, ability of the presenter(s) to answer questions, and quality of the poster and presentation as a whole. In the event of tied scores, the judge’s discretion determines the rank of the posters.
AWARDS – Based on the on-site reviews of the presentations, an “IACIP Student Best Poster
Award” will be presented to the winner(s) team of the poster competition
Thanks for your attention and look forward to meeting you at the workshop!
Co-chairs of Student Poster Competition Subcommittee:
Dr. Xijun Shi, Texas State University
Dr. Binbin Yin, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Danning Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Please download the Poster Presentation Format here:
Organizing Committee
Dr. Zhen Leng, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Shihui Shen, Penn State University, Altoona
Dr. Zhe Han, The University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Jiwang Jiang, Southeast University
Dr. Xi Jiang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Danning Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Yi Li, Delft University of Technology
Dr. Guoyang Lu, City University of Hong Kong
Dr. Qing Lu, University of South Florida
Dr. Yihao Ren, University of North Carolina at Pembroke
Dr. Xijun Shi, Texas State University
Dr. Kuo Tian, George Mason University
Dr. Di Wang, University of Ottawa
Dr. Lei Wang, University of Cincinnati
Dr. Haifang Wen, Washington State University
Dr. Zihang Weng, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Shenghua Wu, University of South Alabama
Dr. Binbin Yin, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Xinbao Yu, University of Texas at Arlington
IACIP Board Members
Dr. Lu Gao, University of Houston (President)
Dr. Jenny Liu, Missouri University of Science and Technology (Immediate Past President)
Dr. Baoshan Huang, University of Tennessee
Dr. Zhen Leng, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Yilong Liu, Montana Technological University
Dr. Qing Lu, University of South Florida
Dr. Shihui Shen, Penn State University, Altoona
Dr. Hao Wang, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Dr. Haifang Wen, Washington State University
Dr. Shenghua Wu, University of South Alabama
Dr. Zhanping You, Michigan Technological University
Dr. Xiong Zhang, Missouri University of Science and Technology